Wednesday 26 September 2012

That Awkward Moment...

Very early Sunday Morning Teya wakes up with stabbing pains in her stomach!! Looks like the baby is coming!!!
Teya doesn't know where Deyton has got to, but she calmly gets ready for her trip to the hospital...
She takes a taxi, all the while frantically ringing Deyton to tell him she's about to give birth!
She finally gets to the hospital, but there is no sign of Deyton! By this point, Teya is in so much agony she can't even think straight when the nurse asks her if she would like to ring any family members for her!
After only two short hours of labour, Teya gives birth to a bouncing baby boy!! She decides to call him Luke (thanks to my cousin for the baby name!) and he is born with the Clumsy trait and the Absent Minded trait. Teya is thrilled with her little bundle of joy but feels very alone...
When Teya gets home with the new arrival she finds Deyton asleep on the sofa. It's probably for the best, she thinks, because she is way too tired to argue right now!
Teya purchases a crib for baby Luke and puts him down to bed. At this point Teya and Deyton's bank account is at $927 and Teya is a little worried about this.
But she can't really do anything about that right now, we might have to sell the car... she thinks as she falls into bed sore and exhausted.
Deyton is awoken early by Bumble's incessant noises!!
Teya would have liked a sleep in but Luke needed to be fed.
As Teya is doing the dishes, Deyton walks in looking a bit sheepish...
Teya spots him and gets ready for all hell to break loose!!!
"Where the hell were you!!" She starts off with. "You do realise that I gave birth to your son last night and you were off god knows where!! I am so angry with you!" Teya is letting out all of her frustrations on Deyton...
...When Deyton comes back at her: "You know I have commitment issues! And my time alone yesterday made me realise that I'm not ready for a family. I'm not ready for this!" He comes back as angrily as Teya.
"I feel like I'm being forced into this life that I just don't want! So, I'm sorry but we are going to have to break up ..."
Deyton's outburst has shocked Teya immensely! She was angry at him, but he was her first love and she can't believe that he feels this way! Then comes that awkward moment...
When neither of them wants to move out! "Well I'm not going anywhere!" says Teya. "Me neither." States Deyton. There is an awkward silence as they both stand there defiantly.
After a while Teya gets fed up with the lack of conversation and heads off to bed as she didn't get a good night's sleep.
While Teya is sleeping, Deyton makes some changes to the house... He sells their car for $570 and the parking space for $90 and the garage door. This takes their bank up to $1947. Next, he builds a new wall in the garage and converts it into two bedrooms. He buys a single bed for himself and is left with $590. He feels a bit down about not having the big bedroom for himself, but snuggles up under his new covers and goes back to sleep.
Teya wakes up a short time later and the events from this morning hit her hard! She remembers all the good times that they had together before they moved to the City and she just can't get her head around the fact that they aren't together any more!
After changing and feeding baby Luke, Teya goes to see what all the banging was about earlier. She finds their garage converted and Deyton asleep in his new 'room'. She is hurt that he has built himself a new bedroom to get away from her!
She walks back into her bedroom feeling miserable.
She has a little cry about their break up...
... and decides to decorate her own bedroom to make it her own. This makes her feel slightly better but she is still really hurt from Deyton dumping her the day after their baby is born! Read my next blog to find out what happens to Teya, Deyton and baby Luke! Will they stay split up? Will Deyton actually acknowledge his son? Will they have enough money left to take care of their baby? It's all happening in the next post of My Random Legacy Challenge!

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