Wednesday 26 September 2012

Left Alone...

Hello there welcome back to my Sims3 Blog, lets see what going on today...
Teya gets up earlier than Deyton today and decides that it's her turn for a lazy day.
He back is killing her with the pregnancy and she deserves a sit down.
Deyton wakes up and eats breakfast alone. He really doesn't want to talk to Teya because he doesn't even know what's going on in his own head!
He decides to go out and clear his head, leaving Teya alone to chill out and watch TV.
He goes next door to see if Elspeth is in, since she is the only person he has really spoken to in this City.
He gets invited inside the large house where Elspeth's father tells Deyton that she isn't it...
He leaves feeling down, he just wants someone to talk to about how he is feeling! He gives Elspeth a call and asks to meet up.
Deyton makes his way to the park to wait for Eslpeth... But she doesnt turn up!
He doesn't dwell on it too long though because he finds some swings!! Deyton has the childish trait so swinging is really fun for him! Meanwhile back at home...
Teya has got around to doing some housework. Even though she is mad at Deyton, she wishes he would come home and help her with the chores!
Teya even manages to hang all of the washing up on the line with her huge bump in the way.
Teya sees an ice-cream van pull up and fancies a sticky, sweet treat!
Mmmmm, tasty!
After spending the day at the park, Deyton still doesn't want to go home! He bumps into Wayne Bumble and asks if he wants to go out for a drink and a manly chat. Wayne doesn't know Deyton that well, so he makes some excuse and takes off.
Deyton ends up going to Eugi's bar on his own.
Teya is getting more and more annoyed by this time as it is getting late. She tries to ring Deyton but he doesn't answer his phone. She then rings her best friend Alan - from work and asks him to come round and keep her company.
Alan comes round and they watch some TV together and have a chat...
At the bar, Deyton is enjoying himself...
It's probably because Elspeth turned up!
Deyton has a really good shouted conversation over the blasting music and finds himself liking Elspeth more and more as the night goes on.
Deyton goes to order some food and realises that the hot barmaid is here!
It's while Deyton is eating some bar food and chatting to two hot females that he realises he isn't ready for a long term relationship! He doesn't want to be a father yet! He feels that he is way too young for the responsiblilty!!
Back at home Teya is reassured by Alan and she is really glad of his company! Alan is the first person to actually be excited about the baby! Teya is annoyed at Deyton and his childish behaviour and can't wait for him to get home so she can rip him a new one!
But it's getting really late now and Teya is tired, so she goes to bed alone...
While Deyton is living it up at the bar...

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