Thursday 20 September 2012

Can we keep him?

So it's Tuesday, the third day of Teya and Deyton living together. Let's see how they get on...
It's an early rise for Deyton today, he feels bad about doing practically nothing yesterday and is determined to make today better!
When Teya wakes up she is surprised to see Deyton doing some housework, she realises that yesterday was just him settling into their living situation and not to think too badly of him!
Teya doesn't want a repeat of yesterday's breakfast, so she goes into the fridge to make some waffles without burning them! (Hopefully)
And Voila!! They turn out perfectly!!
Over their not-so-burnt breakfast, Teya asks Deyton what he will be doing with his day while she is at work. He doesn't give much away, but smiles a cheesy grin and says, "Don't worry, I will actually make some money today!". Teya doesn't know what that will involve but she feels that he is actually trying now.
While Teya goes to shower, Deyton starts working out in front of the TV! He must love that thing - he's always in front of it!!
When Teya heads out to work, he is still jumping up and down like a madman!! "It's to get me motivated!" he puffs between starjumps. Oh well, it's better than nothing she thinks; as she makes her way to work.
On her way into the studio, Teya notices the huge fountain right outside and can't believe she didn't notice it yesterday!! She must have been stressed!! Teya plans on meeting yet more cast members today and once she is there she meets a man called Devin Ashton who gives her some advice to help her career. "Suck up to the boss" he winks at her and saunters off. What does he do around here again? She takes his advice despite his cocky attitude, and for the rest of the day makes it her mission to be as helpful and complimentary to the production manager as she possibly can!
Meanwhile back at home, Deyton is pumped up and motivated from working out so decides to put step one of today's plan into action... Leaving the house!!
Since their house is right opposite the graveyard, Deyton's plan is to search for collectibles around the area. He would have jogged there but his Athletic Skills aren't high enough yet, so he takes a taxi the short distance to the Graveyard!!
Once there, he finds an uncommon seed and a Vampire's eye stone worth 250 Simoleons!! He's not quite sure what to do with these items now he has them, but he can work that out later. After a while of searching the graveyard for hidden gems or even bugs, he realises that the Graveyard doesn't have many interesting artifacts after all!
He wants to keep going on this roll and find more interesting things, so he decides to go to another location to try his luck there.
He jumps in another taxi and asks the driver to take him to a a local park. Once there, he finds two types of Butterfly, a Red Admiral Butterfly (which is quite rare) and a Monarch Butterfly. Yet again, he doesn't quite know what to do with these specimens, so he pops them in his inventory for later.
Deyton suddenly spots something small but very collectible as he makes his way through the park. It turns out to be a little black and white rat, who he instantly falls in love with. What a cute little furry creature it is!! The rat also goes into his inventory whilst Deyton is hopping with excitement to tell Teya about his new friend.
Speaking about new friends... Deyton meets a man called Wayne Bumble on his travels. He asks this man if he knows what to do with the collectibles in his inventory, and he replies that he should donate the bugs to the Science Facility and get the rock cut into a gem. Wayne looks a little creeped out at the squirming thing in Deyton's pocket but decides not to ask what it is (I don't think he wants to find out!).
Deyton catches yet another taxi and makes his way home. He feels a bit worn out after his collecting today but still finds time to clean up the laundry before Teya gets home!
When Teya leaves work today she has made 125 Simoleons and she is informed by the Production Manager that she has earned a promotion to Best Girl! She receives a bonus of 252 Simoleons which takes their total bank up to £812! Great work! She can't wait to return home to tell Deyton the good news!
After disposing of some old newspapers in her inventory, Teya and Deyton sit down to eat Autumn Salad leftovers and tell each other their news...
Deyton is really pleased for Teya!
Deyton then tells her about his little furry friend and asks innocently "can we keep him?". Teya isn't too sure about having a Rat as a pet, but after her promotion she does have the urge to buy something worth $100...
So she says yes!! The Terranium costs £350, taking them down to $462, but Teya thinks it's worth it if Deyton can keep his new friend! They decide to name him Bumble, it's Deyton's idea, he can't remember why that name popped into his head but they both like it!
They head off to bed both properly knackered after the day's events.... Come back for my next post to enjoy more exciting everyday situations with Teya and Deyton!

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