Wednesday 19 September 2012

First day in the New House!

It's the first day in Teya and Deyton's new house! They are so excited to be finally living together after sneaking around behind their parent's backs for years!!
Teya seems a little scared at first, because they are so young and already out of their parent's homes, but Deyton assures her that they will be fine. After all this is the city of big dreams!
Deyton starts talking about all the rare bugs that he will be able to find in the city, it seems like a strange idea but Teya is just happy to have her boyfriend all to herself!
Teya suggests that they go and introduce themselves to their neighbours, but Deyton just wants to relax in their new home and get comfortable with their new surroundings. Teya would like to get a job in the film career, but the newspaper hasn't been delivered yet so they head inside to chill out on their second hand sofa.
Deyton wants to join the science career as he has big hopes for his bug-finding venture so he thinks that the logic skill might be interesting to help with this. Whilst they are relaxing and watching some TV, Teya is dreaming about all the celebrities she will meet!
Finally the newspaper is delivered, maybe it's quite far from the newsagents out here?, and Teya can have a look for new jobs. Thankfully, there is a posting by a Production Manager at the film studio, who is looking for background extras. This seems like a good place to start! She circles the add and notes the address, all it says about an interview is 'Just show up around midday for the part'.
Well that doesn't seem very professional! She glances at Deyton who has now started playing a videogame and announces that she will make them a salad for dinner. He dismisses her and continues playing his game while she goes off to prepare their meal. When it's done she calls him to eat at the table.
Maybe after our tea we can go and introduce ourselves to the neighbours? Teya suggests. But Deyton replies that he has just got to a really good level on his game and would rather just stay in and play that. So after their meal, Teya goes outside to their only neighbour in the street to say hi.
She knocks on the door of the large townhouse and is greeted by a young girl who introduces herself as Elspeth Cook.
Elspeth invites Teya inside the lovely house, and Teya thinks to herself that they must be a rich family! Hopefully Teya can have a nice big house one day! Teya asks if Elspeth's parent's are home? But they aren't in.
They have a chat for a while, Teya asks about the neighbourhood and Elspeth despairs at the lack of things to do in the city! Teya thinks that she must just be over-reacting because it's the big city!! There must be lots of interesting things to do here! Teya thanks Elspeth for inviting her in and returns home to see Deyton.
Teya takes a seat next to Deyton and recounts her meeting with the girl next door, but he only half listens to her as he is on a boss level and can't break his concentration. Once He has killed the boss and put down the controller, Teya can finally relax and snuggle up to her awesome boyfriend. Teya tells Deyton how she is a little daunted about the audition tomorrow, if that's what it is?? But he says that she will be fine and they decide to go to bed for the night.
Read my next blog for Teya's first day at work!!

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