Monday 13 May 2013

Too Many Kids!

"One of the girls asked me why I liked wearing pink so much, and I didn't really know! My favourite colour is actually orange, so I decided to start wearing some different coloured clothes to make them happy!

I decided to paint a nice picture to hang in the babies room...

I was really pleased with it!

I can't believe our luck, having two sets of twins! But I wouldn't change them for the world!

As we sat down for breakfast, Nathan complained about how cold its getting lately, "This is no good for my fishing, all this snow!" He moaned.

To be fair, he is often looking after the girls because of all the snow days!

While I was out working, look who turned up back at home!

Well this is what I saw when I finally got home! Now where's he going to sleep? I thought as I got into bed.

"Morning Son! How was school?" Asked Nathan.
"You know, it was ok. I'm just glad to be back." said Finn.
"Yes, we are glad to have you back too. You know that the babies have your old room now?" Nathan says.
"Yeah! Where am I supposed to sleep?" asked Finn cockily.
"That's what we need to talk to you about..."

"Us too?" Asked Frida as she was getting herself some breakfast.
"Yes, just come and sit in the living room when you're quite ready!" Shouted Nathan from the other side of the room.

"He's probably going to talk to us about going to private school!" Frida said as she scoffed her waffles.

"I can probably say this better than your dad." I started when they had finally got ready for the talk.

"Finn, you have to move out, and girls, I am sending you both to private school." There I had said it!

"Where am I gonna move out to mom?" asked Finn.
"Well, we have saved up some money so that you can get your own place. Me and your father will pay your first month's rent. After that it's up to you." I dropped the bombshell.

"My own place? When can I leave?" Asked Finn excitedly.
"...I thought you would say that." I grumbled, no thanks or gratitude from this kid, I tell you!
"It's alright for you! You get your own place, but me and Frey have to live in dorms!" Complained Frida.
"Don't worry Squeak, you will both love it!" He tells his sisters.

A few tearful hours later (on my part) I am saying goodbye to my son, yet again. He will be fine though and we can always visit him at his new place.

While I am taking care of the younger twins, Frida is having a chat with Nathan...

"Dad! I don't want to go to that dreadful preppy school that Finn went to, it's full of pretentious snobs and I don't want to be around those kind of people!" She tells him.

"Hmmm, I honestly didn't think you would have a problem with it, does your sister still want to go?" He asks.
"Oh she can't wait to go after grilling Finn about all the high-class boys she is likely to meet there!" Frida is a very opinionated girl, as we came to learn.
"Well if you can find a school that you would rather go to, then that is fine with me." Nathan tells her.

"I want to go to the school of Peace and Love in Nevada!" She exclaims.
"And you're sure about this?" He asks.
"Totally sure, although it will be hard separating from Frey." Frida says.

With that, Nathan is on the computer signing the girls up for their respective schools.

In the morning the girls talk about their new lives away from home.
"So frey, I hope you don't mind me going off to another school..." Frida says timidly. I don't think that the girls have spent more than a day apart before!
"Well, we can still visit each other's schools! And when you visit me, I can introduce you to all the hot guys I will meet!" says Freya. I don't like all this talk about guys...

"You really don't mind then? Because, I don't think I would like that school at all." explains Frida.
"Freed, don't worry your little head about it, besides, it will be kinda cool to go off by ourselves, don't you think?" Ever the optimist, that one is.

"Yeah I'm sure it will..." Frida replies.
"Just be sure to visit!" Exclaims Freya.

And all too soon, it's time for them to leave! I will miss those two, and maybe the house will be a little quieter now...
Or maybe not!" - Lucy

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