Monday 13 May 2013

3rd Generation Rolls

So now we are onto the third generation of Silvers, and it's time to do a whole new set of rolls! I have already chosen my heir and here is her picture...

It's Felicity! Lucy's third daughter, who is twin to Farah. I chose Felicity because her starting traits were compatible with the generation rules... So lets get started:

If you want to view the challenge rules here's the blog address:

Roll one - Family Structure

Single Parent! This means Felicity will have to take care of her children by herself with no partner.

Roll Two - Number of children

I got 5!! Not again!!

Roll Three - Primary Income

Standard Career

Roll four - Which Career?

Law Enforcement, Forensics. Interesting.

Roll five - Generation Goal

Perfectionist. This means I have to choose a skill for my sim to be perfect at. My sim must max this skill and also complete all of the skill challenges for this skill. I am choosing Athletic for this task because it will help Felicity out in the Law Enforcement career. The challenge is complete when this skill is maxed and all skill challenges are completed.

Roll six - Misc Fun

Live your trait. I must choose one of my sim's traits to live by. When the heir takes over, she must do something everyday related to this trait and must fulfil any wishes that come up concerning said trait, up to five a day. Again, I am choosing Athletic because this will make the Generation Goal easier.

Well, that's the set up for Felicity, now she just has to grow up!! I hope that you will all keep on reading my blog and enjoy it as much as I do!
Until next time!

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