Friday 10 May 2013

Double Trouble

Lucy is pregnant again and Nathan couldn't be happier!

This will be their second child and Lucy wants to give all of her children names beginning with F! It might be hard to think of all these names since Lucy wants five children!

Before long Lucy is awoken with the familiar pangs of labour, but she knows that all this pain will be worth it when she holds her new baby in her arms!

Here is Freya! Lucy and Nathan's first daughter... But wait! Just as Lucy thinks that the labour is over, she gets pains all over again! It's another baby!

It's twin girls! Lucy names her second daughter Frida! 

Over breakfast, Lucy and Nathan discuss their twin newborns.
"Can we really afford twins right now?" Asks Lucy nervously.
"Well we don't have much choice do we?" Nathan laughs, "But don't worry, we will be fine. Your new album is coming out soon anyway!" He reminds her.
"You're right, as usual!"

Lucy has lots of work to do if she wants her new album to sell, so first thing in the morning she goes out to promote her work.

Leaving Nathan at home to look after the babies, yet again!

Nathan doesn't think it is very fair on Finn to be sharing his bedroom with two screaming babies...

...So Nathan decides to expand their house yet again, making a lovely new bedroom for the twins to share.

Finn gets an upgrade for his bedroom too! A games console and the old TV and sofa from the living room!

It's hard work cleaning the house and looking after three children, so they have hired a maid to come and clean for them. Well they can afford it!

It's more working out for Lucy if she wants to keep her figure after having twins!

This is the new sofa with the portrait of Nathan above it!

There are a lot of late night feeds and nappy changes when you have two babies and Lucy is worried that she isn't spending enough time with Finn.

So the next day she whisks her son off for a day at the summer fair!

They have a really good time!

But all that fun skating sure did a number on Lucy!

There have been three birthdays overnight, the twins and also Finn! Lucy and Nathan soon remember how hard toddlers are to look after though...

Here are some cute pictures of the twins! Lucy dresses them exactly the same, so you can never really tell which is which...

Peek-a-boo! Is it Freya or Frida? Who can tell?

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