Wednesday 24 October 2012

Adult Life...

Hello and welcome back to my Sims Blog!
In the morning (Tuesday), Teya decides to sell Devin's old car and buy a shiny new one for the whole family!!
Finally, today Teya can get some writing done!! She practices her writing skill, it will come in handy for work!!
...While Devin practices his acting skills in front of the mirror, naked. Devin is employed in the acting career too, as a background actor.
When Teya gets bored of practising her writing, she heads off into the city for her book signing. It goes really well and she earns 200 Celeb points and $6,000. Their family bank is now up to £14,078, it's looking healthy, but Teya has big ideas for their money...
"What I really want to do is open up my own bar!" She explains to Devin, when she gets home.
"Well, that's a great idea and I will support you!" Says Devin, just as Luke is leaving for his part-time job.
"Oh, thanks honey. The only thing that I want now is to see more of Luke. He doesn't really need a job does he? We can support him?" Teya says as they lean in for a snuggle. "Well, he IS working himself to the bone, and I heard him mention that he is behind on his homework..." Devin replies and they hug, both wondering what they should say to Luke.
After their conversation, Teya gets back to work and starts writing a Sci-fi novel called 'Gravitas', it's about a Space-faring bandit princess who travels the galaxies raiding other planets with her band of reckless thieves, sounds good... But then the computer breaks!! Devin tells Teya to go and get changed and he will sort out the computer, she doesn't know why she has to get changed but she finds out soon enough...
It's Teya's Birthday and Devin has thrown a surprise Birthday Party for her!
She is a bit freaked out with the amount of people who have turned up...
...But when she gets to her Birthday cake she is happy that Devin went to all the trouble!!
There are lots of people at the party, and as Teya ages up she realises that she is now 30 years old!! I am then informed that Teya is having a mid-life crisis!! I wonder what form that will take??
...She gets down to eating some cake anyway and tries to enjoy her party. She is a bit freaked out that she is now 30 with a teenage son, and wonders where the time went??
Meanwhile, Devin has had a chat with Luke and stressed the importance of his school years. Devin also suggested that he quit his part-time job to leave room for homework and finding a date for the prom! Luke dials up work nervously...
...with Devin watching on in the background. Luke quits his job and sighs a sigh of relief! No more slaving away in his minor role as a commercial actor, and more time to chat up some lady friends from school!!
With that taken care of, Devin gets into bed to find Teya already fast asleep, she must be nackered from the party, he thinks!! Find out what happens next in my next post!!

Tuesday 23 October 2012

In The Money!

Hello again!! So it's a lovely Monday morning and Devin has awoken to hs new family life...
Looks like he doesn't like doing laundry! (He has the snob trait!) The family bank is now at $10,505!! Devin's addition to the household has given a cash boost that was well needed!
Since Devin and Teya both have some time off after their wedding, they have some free time to spend with each other and get into a daily routine. They chat about their hurried marriage and both agree that it was the right idea! Teya also uses this time to purchase a Lifetime Reward: No Bills Ever!! That will really help them out!
Later on in the day, Teya goes to the Cinema Complex to Cameo in yet another performance!
While Teya is out, Devin attempts to fix the shower... And gains a handyness skill point!! He never thought he would be doing manual labour!!
Teya finishes her opportunity and receives 200 Celeb points (nearly at Celebrity level 5 now!) and another 10,000 Simoleons!! Teya also gets paid for time off work taking them to £21,085!! They're in the money!! I think it's time to spend a little...
Teya decides it's time to redecorate the kitchen! I love the green!! While they are redecorating, Teya gets an Opportunity to go to her Autobiography's Book Signing, she didn't even know that anyone was writing a book about her?? Oh well.
Later that night, it's Devin's birthday!! Teya didn't throw him a big party because she knows he doesn't like a fuss to be made!
Teya and Devin celebrate on their own in their little love nest!
Luke helps himself to some Birthday Cake when he gets back from work. He has just found out that there is a prom on Friday night, and he needs to find a date!! How is going to find time to do that with a part-time job?? Find out in my next post!!

Monday 15 October 2012

The Big Day

Hello again! It's time to find out what's goin on with my Sims, once again!
It's a Sunday morning and Teya heads out to complete an Opportunity! She has been offered the chance to Cameo in the latest movie she has been working on.
Luke spends his Sunday working out ready for School and his new Part-time job where he is hoping to meet a nice lady friend!
Teya completes the Opportunity receiving 200 Celebrity points and $10,000!! It's good being a Celebrity!
Teya takes this new injection of cash and decides to invest in the local diner, another step closer to completing the challenge!! While Teya is going about her day, she thinks about what she and Devin want, and it's to get married as soon as possible!! She comes up with a plan...
She gets changed into a simple white dress and calls Devin to meet her at the local beach.
This is a better look at the dress.
She gets driven to the location in a limo! Another perk of being a Celebrity!
When Devin arrives, he is shocked to see Teya looking so beautiful and twigs as to what she has planned!
"Teya, you want to get married now, don't you?" He smiles a mischievous smile.
"Well, I thought why wait? We both love each other, don't we?" She asks a little nervously.
"To be honest, I'm really glad that you came up with this idea. I wouldn't like a big wedding anyway with all our fake celebrity friends congratulating us and making a fuss!" Devin explains.
"Actually, I bought these for you today!" He gushes and produces a pure white bouquet. "I love them!" exclaims Teya.
"To be honest darling, this is just the perfect spot to get married!" Devin whispers as they embrace on the moonlit beach, the world and it's worries melting away.
"Will you marry me Teya Silver? And make me the happiest man in the world?" He says quietly as he slips the platinum wedding band onto her finger. "I will!" She replies, tears welling up in her eyes.
After exchanging their rings, they stay on the beach for a while whispering sweet nothings to each other and smiling insanely at each other. What can I say? They are in love!!
When they arrive home, Devin realises that this marriage makes him Luke's step-father. While he doesn't know how he feels about this, he is sure that they will both get along fine!
Teya can't wait to get Devin into bed and doesn't even take off her dress before jumping in! Teya is finally content to be living with the family that she always wanted, with a man who loves her for who she is and is ready to take on responsibilities. It's all going well for once!! Read my next post to see how married life is suiting Teya!!

Thursday 11 October 2012

The Big Question

It's time to take a look at what my Sims have been up to again...
Teya loves her new desk! She needs to start working on her writing skills if she wants to be a big time movie producer!
Teya asks Devin to meet her at the park, it seems she has something important to say to him.
"I just wanted to ask if you knew how much I love you?" Teya comes straight out and says it, she's very confident now.
"Of course I know!! And I love you too!" He reaches in and gives her a passionate kiss to show how much.
"Ok, well I know it's a little unconventional, but... Will you marry me?" Teya gets down on one knee and asks him the most important question she will ever ask him.
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you Teya!" He exclaims as he pulls her into a warm embrace.
Teya can't contain her happiness and leaps into his muscular arms for a deep hug.
They want to celebrate the good news, so they head out to watch a movie together.
And then out for dinner after.
Meanwhile, Luke is at home reading up about the Mechanical Skill.
He also browses the job listings and finds a spot at the local Backlot, where Teya works, for a part-time Commercial Actor. Luke thinks that this would be something good to pursue as he wants to be rich and famous when he's older!
Teya and Devin have a lovely evening together and they can't stop talking about their wedding plans, it seems that they both want to get married as quickly as possible!
Teya gets home and realises that she has to break the news to Luke and hopes he will take it ok.
"Luke, you know that me and Devin have seeing each other for a while?" She asks. "Yes..." He says.
"Well, we are going to be getting married! I hope that's ok with you..." She asks.
"Mom, I just want you to be happy. It's ok with me." He replies.
"That is so sweet!! Thank you son, you make me happy!" They have a loving embrace and tears prick the corners of Teya's eyes. Luke did secretly hope for a while that his mom and dad would get back together but he knows now that she will be happier with Devin. Read my next post for the Wedding!!