Thursday 28 February 2013

Lucy Gets A Boyfriend

Welcome back to my blog!!

It is Thursday morning, Leisure Day, and Lucy is forced to unblock the toilet due to lack of funds!

"Oh my god! Nate? I just had to unblock a toilet all by self! I need to see you!" Lucy is straight on the phone to Nathan.

Since it is Leisure Day, everyone gets the day off from work or school to enjoy themselves in the summer sun! Nathan and Lucy meet in the park.

"Hi there! Thanks for meeting me! You look good, have you been working out?" Lucy is rambling, but she can't help it. She is very attracted to this man!

"You look good too Lucy, I've always thought so. We get on so well too, I was thinking that maybe we could be more than just friends..." Oh my! It must be the sunshine!

"Are you sure? Because if it doesn't work out and we ruin our friendship..."

"Oh, what the hell!" Lucy gives Nathan a big kiss to let him know how she feels.

"So does this mean we are dating?" She asks.

"I think it does..." He replies, tugging her close.

After all the smooching, they decide to enter an eating competition... 

...But it ends up in more smooching anyway!

The next day it's more working out (for the opportunity).

 And a bit more working...

 ...And then Lucy pops by to see her parents, who are having a party.

 It was a long drive to Bridgeport, so she helps herself to some food.

Read my next post for more!

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