Thursday 28 February 2013

Lucy Gets A Boyfriend

Welcome back to my blog!!

It is Thursday morning, Leisure Day, and Lucy is forced to unblock the toilet due to lack of funds!

"Oh my god! Nate? I just had to unblock a toilet all by self! I need to see you!" Lucy is straight on the phone to Nathan.

Since it is Leisure Day, everyone gets the day off from work or school to enjoy themselves in the summer sun! Nathan and Lucy meet in the park.

"Hi there! Thanks for meeting me! You look good, have you been working out?" Lucy is rambling, but she can't help it. She is very attracted to this man!

"You look good too Lucy, I've always thought so. We get on so well too, I was thinking that maybe we could be more than just friends..." Oh my! It must be the sunshine!

"Are you sure? Because if it doesn't work out and we ruin our friendship..."

"Oh, what the hell!" Lucy gives Nathan a big kiss to let him know how she feels.

"So does this mean we are dating?" She asks.

"I think it does..." He replies, tugging her close.

After all the smooching, they decide to enter an eating competition... 

...But it ends up in more smooching anyway!

The next day it's more working out (for the opportunity).

 And a bit more working...

 ...And then Lucy pops by to see her parents, who are having a party.

 It was a long drive to Bridgeport, so she helps herself to some food.

Read my next post for more!

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

Welcome back to my blog!

Check out Lucy's new outfit for work!

Urgh!! It's raining today, but it's Lucy's first day of work so she is excited!!

Today is spent travelling around town doing sing-a-grams for little money...

But it's all to work towards Lucy's dream of becoming a singer!

She does take some time to relax though...

The next day, Lucy goes to see a Sim Fest in the park, but it is still raining and she doesn't want to stay too long...

So she heads over to Nathan's house to see how he's doing (and watch his TV).

They chat for a while and Nathan tells Lucy that he loves the outdoors and fishes as a hobby.

"Maybe that's your career!" Lucy exclaims.

"What? Fishing? I don't think that would pay the bills!" He shrugs her suggestion off and explains that he needs his job at the supermarket to be able to afford the rent and bills.

After a while, they decide to head to the gym because Lucy has an opportunity to work out for 4 hours, and Nathan just enjoys working out.

Weird, I know. Who would actually enjoy working out? Thinks Lucy.

Even though Nathan claims to like working out, he still struggles on the machine!

Lucy decides to take it easy with an aerobics class.

Straight after her workout, there's more work to be done and lots of people want cheering up with a sing-a-gram in Starlight Shores!!

Read my next post for more story!

A Friend And A Fire

Welcome back to my blog, it's time to see how Lucy is getting on in her new home...

After coming home from Nathan's house, Lucy decides to read a cooking book, she will need to know how to cook now she lives by herself! Lucy's cooking Lvl goes up to 1.

She starts off by making some Mac N Cheese...

...And ends up starting a fire!

"Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!" She screams!

She does eventually jump into action though and starts putting out the fire.

And then the fire fighters turn up and she has some help battling with the flames.

Oh dear, what a mess that fire has made!

"Erm, Mom can I borrow some money?" 
"Why? You haven't burnt the house down already have you?" Asks Teya.
"No! Of course not... I just need some cash please..." I don't think Teya would like to hear what really happened on her first day of living alone...

...Needless to say, Lucy got the cash injection and was able to replace the burnt appliances. It's nice having rich parents!

After all that drama, Lucy thinks it's time for bed!

In the morning she rings her parents again and thanks them for the money...
"I don't know what I'd do without you!" She gushes!

"Oh yeah, it's my graduation today so don't forget!"

Lucy tries again at making breakfast, and somehow manages to not start a fire!! Lucy's cooking Lvl is now at 2.

After breakfast it's time to throw on the graduation robe and make her way to the Town Hall.

Aw, what a lovely venue for graduation!

After a lengthy speech, Lucy has finally graduated! Woop Woop! She gets her graduation certificate and also gets voted as the most likely to have a large family!

When she gets back home, there are bills waiting for her. Thanks again mom, thinks Lucy.

Lucy thinks it's about time she starts looking for a job, so she takes the sing-a-gram job listed in the paper, she starts tomorrow.

Since Lucy doesn't know any one else from town yet, she rings Nathan to see if he wants to go out.

They meet up at the Port-a-Party Warehouse.

And start chatting straight away...
"I really want to be a singer, so I joined up to the Sing-a-gram job earlier today..."

"Oh, that's cool. I wish I knew what I wanted to do with my life..." They get to know each other better and Lucy finds out that Nathan has just moved here too from a farming community. This town is very different from what he is used to!

They decide to go out for some food at the local cafe.

Time flies by so quickly, that they don't even realise the time!
"I guess this is good night then Lucy, it was lovely meeting you."
"You too Nathan, I hope we can become friends!" Lucy says to her new secret crush, god it's like the first guy she's met!!

Read my next post to find out more...