Thursday 10 January 2013

When It Rains, It Pours!!

Welcome back to my Sims 3 blog!! You may have noticed that I didn't post anything over the Christmas period, it was a very busy time!! A new addition has been made to my game: The Sims 3 Seasons (finally). So I hope you like the added weather effects as much as I do, lets continue...
Well, time has just flown by with Lucy being a child! She's six going on sixteen at the moment! Teya and Devin are astonished at how strong her personality is!!
She's always making new friends! Lucy spends her time painting, chatting to friends online, dancing to the latest music and generally acting like she's already a teenager!
"Just what are we going to do with her?" Teya asks Devin one night. "I have no idea hun, but she's confident I'll give her that!".
Even though Lucy likes to act grown up, she still wants daddy to read her a bedtime story!
"Goodnight my little star..." Devin says as he tucks her into bed.
Well, it's Summertime! And Leisure day has just begun! Lucy begs Devin to take her to the Summer Fair, but Devin has to record a Commercial for one of his acting roles today.
Since Teya has the day off from work, she agrees to take Lucy to the fair and Devin will meet up with them later to have fun in the lovely Summer sunshine!
It seems to be a really nice sunny day today, and Teya and Lucy are doing some skating at the Summer Fair!
Lucy is a bit wobbly at first... But she soon gets the hang of it!
As they are skating, it starts raining!! Oh dear!! But Lucy doesn't want to go home yet,as she wanted to get her face painted before leaving!
So Teya waits outside in the rain while Lucy gets her face painted!
Teya thinks that it's time to get home and out of the rain.
And even though Lucy got her face painted, she is still unhappy that they had to leave the fair early!
When Lucy has gone off to bed, Teya and Devin catch up on some tasks that need doing like working out and fixing stuff! Time to get ready for Lucy's birthday tomorrow, wow that went fast!

Read my next post for Lucy's birthday where she will be aging up into a teenager!

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