Monday 14 January 2013

Growing up fast

Welcome back! It's Luct's birthday today! Let's she what she gets up to...
Once again, she doesn't look very happy, even though she gets everything she wants! What a Diva!
It's off to school for Lucy, she did beg to have the day off but Teya wasn't having any of it!
Teya and Devin spend some quality time together while Lucy is at school.
Teya gives Luke a ring to see how he's doing.
Lucy is back from school and she still doesn't look happy, she wants her birthday cake, now!
And here it is!!
Birthday time!!
Why does she never look happy?
Well, here is Lucy as a teenager... She still doesn't look impressed!
Time for bed!!
Teya and Devin are still very much in love! Their bank account is up to $25,000 now! I hadn't checked it in a while, I guess they are saving their money to give to Lucy when she gets older and wants her own place.
The next morning Lucy finishes the painting she started earlier.
A while later, a surprise guest turns up, it's Lucy's half brother Luke!
They do some catching up, and Luke can't believe how grown up Lucy is now, he remembers her as a baby in diapers!
They are getting on well, Lucy thinks her older brother is quite cool, he even has his own car!
The whole family sits down for a chat and Teya asks Luke if he has seen his father recently. The answer is no, of course.
After Luke's visit, Teya decides to teach Lucy how to drive. I say decided, but Lucy wouldn't shut up about getting her own car after talking with Luke and Teya didn't really have a choice.
They are back from driving and Lucy can't wait to go again!
"So does this mean I can get my own car when I pass?" Asks Lucy.

"Well if you get all A's in school then I will think about it..." Teya replies.

"That means yes!" She screams and gobbles down her food.

How can Teya say no? Read my next post to see if Lucy gets her very own car!

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