Tuesday 20 November 2012

Time Flies...

Hello and welcome back to my Sims 3 Blog!! In my last post, the new heir had been born, little baby Lucy!!! So cute...
Teya is getting to grips with being a mom again!! Little baby Lucy is so cute and tiny, Teya doesn't even mind waking up all night to feed her!!
Devin also loves his little girl, it's his first child too!
Teya is cooking up something tasty for tea with the new recipes she has learnt!
Looks like Teya has made Sushi rolls! Luke doesn't know what to make of this new dish!
"So what do you think Luke?" Teya asks her son. All she gets is an "Mmmmmmmm" in response as he shovels the rolls into his mouth! Guess he likes it then! Teya thinks...
Teya and Devin are so happy with their little family right now!!
Teya has maternity leave from work, so she spends her time cleaning up the house and looking after Lucy.
She also catches up with some writing work while she has this spare time on her hands!!
Luke gets back from school and Teya is still hard at work at the computer!
Teya and Luke eat tea by themselves because Devin has had to work late to help out his career...
...And he isn't very happy about being woken up in the middle of the night by a screaming baby!!
It's off to work again in the morning for Devin, while Teya gets to stay at home and look after the baby.
Luke finally gets curious about his little sister, who seems to be taking up all his mom and dad's time. He is a bit upset that he isn't the baby of the family anymore...
...But as he spends more time with his little sister, he realises that he loves her too and doesn't mind sharing his parents with the new baby!
Time flies by, and it's suddenly Lucy's birthday!! Teya has decided to throw a party for her as they haven't had much time for their friends lately.
Teya is awfully tired by the end of the night, but it's time to blow out the candles!
Lucy is about to age up into a precocious toddler!!
And here she is!! Now a toddler!!
The family sit down to eat some birthday cake...
...and Lucy gets put into a baby rocker to try and get her to sleep!! I love the new heir Lucy, can't wait to make new memories with her!!

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