Wednesday 7 November 2012

Generation Two

Since Teya is pregnant with the Heir (She only rolled two children) I have decided to pre-roll my choices for the next Generation Challenge.
This is the exciting part where I learn what direction the next heir will be taking!!

So here's goes the first Roll!! This roll determines what the family structure will consist of: I got a 21 which is a couple!! Awesome, a nice easy family structure; meet someone and stay with them forever!

So the next Roll is to see how many kids the new heir will be having... Please be low... It's a 10!! Noo!!!!! That means five kids!! Arrggghhh!!

Roll three... Is a 19, which means my heir will be pursuing a profession, again.

My fourth Roll is an 8, which is a duplicate of Teya's career in the movies - directing branch!! According to the rules I am allowed a re-roll. Check the rules out here: So I re-roll and it's an 11, a vocalist. Ok then, why is this family all into show business???

I roll again for the secondary income and get a 10, profession again?? Which profession this time?? I get a 7 which is the movies career again, acting branch. Since I technically didn't roll this one for Devin, I have to accept it!! This family is going to be very Showbiz, and five kids!! I dread to think what will happen??

Roll Seven, and probably the most important Roll, the Generation Goal: it comes up 17!! Oh no, I wanted to avoid this one!! It's photogenic, which means I have to make 5 portraits of the heir and place them in the house-hold. But not only that!! I also have to have images (these can be paintings, photographs or sculptures) of all of the heir's children and their partner!! This will be tricky!!

And last but not least, the miscellaneous fun: I get a 6... Homemade, which means all meals must be cooked, no quick meals. They can only cook with ingredients they have in the fridge also, they have to harvest their own veggies and fish their own fish!! They can't eat birthday cake/wedding cake or raw ingredients! They can purchase eggs, milk and cheese from the store... Wow that misc 'fun' part will be annoying!

Anyway, that's the way the dice rolls. Now we have the basic structure of my heir's family life and career, they just have to be born now!! Read my next post to see who the new addition is going to be!!!

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