Thursday 29 November 2012

A Diva is Born...

Hello there!! In my last post Luke had gone and left home to pursue his dreams of becoming a Stuntman!! In all the confusion of Luke leaving home, it seems that Lucy has aged up into a child!! She also gained the Diva trait... Let's see how it's going.
When Teya mentioned to Lucy about redecorating Luke's old bedroom, she had a few ideas on how it was going to look...
...Very nice! Lucy loves her new room! And it only cost £5000 to redecorate!
Time to sleep in her new double bed!!
In the morning, Teya calls Luke to make sure he is ok...

"So where are you staying Luke?" Teya asks.

"With some friends, mom and don't worry, I will be fine!!" He reassures her. "Ok then, well me and Devin were thinking of taking a weekend break to Champs Le Sims, would you mind babysitting your sister?" She asks. "Of course I will mom! How much are you paying?" He jokes.
Teya and Devin are taking a well earned break for the weekend, so she makes a call to arrange everything!
And then it's off to Sunny Champs Le Sims for their holiday!!
They are so happy to get away from real life for a while!!
They check out the hotel, then head into town to take in the sights!!
Teya does some shopping and buys a camera to take some snaps of their time on holiday.
While Devin introduces himself to some of the locals.
Teya checks out the book store for some local recipes!
They have a lovely meal in a little Cafe and try to get immersed in the culture and lifestyle of this new destination.
It's tiring running around all day!! They head back to the hotel to get some sleep before exploring further tomorrow!
The next day they split up, Teya wants to take some photographs of the countryside and visit a museum, while Devin wants to check out the local Nectary and vineyards.
Teya sees some really ancient stuff at the museum!
And Devin gets down to some wine tasting!!
Aw, they are having a great time!!
Teya has arranged to have their bedroom redecorated while they are on holiday, and it looks like it's finished!! Read my next post for more Sims!!

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Leaving Home

Welcome back to my Blog!! In my last post, Lucy had aged up into a toddler!! Lets see how she is getting on...
Aw! Lucy loves her baby rocker!!
Teya is teaching Lucy some life skills in her free time!
It seems that the new baby is taking up all of Teya and Devin's time, they havn't been keeping an eye on Luke...
...And Luke has skipped school, in favour of watching his favourite TV show!! How naughty!!
Devin catches Luke in the kitchen when he is supposed to be at school!! Oh dear!! "What do you think you're doing Luke? You're supposed to be at school right now!" Devin shouts. "I graduate in a couple days anyway! It won't hurt!" Luke tries to defend himself.
"That's not the point Luke!! It's your education!!" Devin is frustrated with Luke and tries to lay down the law.
Devin goes to find Teya in the living room and tell her about Luke: "Do you know that your son is skipping school today? I don't know how he thought he could get away with it!" He says incredulously. "I'll have a word with him." Teya says, but she doesn't seem that angry.
Teya finds Luke in the kitchen: "Son, I know you graduate soon, but you still need to go to school to complete your work!" She says kindly. "But, mom! I want to be famous! I don't need school for that!" He tries to reason. "And what are you going to be famous for?" She asks speculatively. "Well, I don't know yet, but it will be something cool!" Teya shakes her head and says: "Just make sure you get your butt to school tomorrow!".
Teya isn't very pleased with Luke, but she knows he will listen to her, because she's his mom!
At the end of the day, Teya puts Lucy in her rocker and goes off to bed...
...But it seems that Lucy has decided she doesn't like it anymore and kicks up a fuss!!
So Teya has to get up and put her in the crib to make sure she gets a good night's sleep!
In the morning, Teya makes sure that Luke goes off to school like he is supposed to.

During the day Lucy learns how to walk, talk and gets potty trained!! That's a lot for one day!! She also gets to the highest skill with her xylophone!! This will help her out when she gets older!!

The next thing that happens is that Luke graduates from school!! This means he has aged up into an adult and has gained the daredevil trait! This can't go well with his clumsy trait!!
Here's Luke when he ages up into a young adult! What a good looking fellow!!
Luke gets dressed and decides that now he is an adult, he is going to move out and try to pursue his brand new dream of becoming a Stuntman!!
"Bye Mom, bye Devin!! I'm off to pursue my dreams!!" He shouts as he saunters through the house on his way out!
"Oh my god!! You're leaving now?" Teya shouts from the bedroom. "I will come and visit!!" He shouts back.
And with that he drives off into the night!

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Time Flies...

Hello and welcome back to my Sims 3 Blog!! In my last post, the new heir had been born, little baby Lucy!!! So cute...
Teya is getting to grips with being a mom again!! Little baby Lucy is so cute and tiny, Teya doesn't even mind waking up all night to feed her!!
Devin also loves his little girl, it's his first child too!
Teya is cooking up something tasty for tea with the new recipes she has learnt!
Looks like Teya has made Sushi rolls! Luke doesn't know what to make of this new dish!
"So what do you think Luke?" Teya asks her son. All she gets is an "Mmmmmmmm" in response as he shovels the rolls into his mouth! Guess he likes it then! Teya thinks...
Teya and Devin are so happy with their little family right now!!
Teya has maternity leave from work, so she spends her time cleaning up the house and looking after Lucy.
She also catches up with some writing work while she has this spare time on her hands!!
Luke gets back from school and Teya is still hard at work at the computer!
Teya and Luke eat tea by themselves because Devin has had to work late to help out his career...
...And he isn't very happy about being woken up in the middle of the night by a screaming baby!!
It's off to work again in the morning for Devin, while Teya gets to stay at home and look after the baby.
Luke finally gets curious about his little sister, who seems to be taking up all his mom and dad's time. He is a bit upset that he isn't the baby of the family anymore...
...But as he spends more time with his little sister, he realises that he loves her too and doesn't mind sharing his parents with the new baby!
Time flies by, and it's suddenly Lucy's birthday!! Teya has decided to throw a party for her as they haven't had much time for their friends lately.
Teya is awfully tired by the end of the night, but it's time to blow out the candles!
Lucy is about to age up into a precocious toddler!!
And here she is!! Now a toddler!!
The family sit down to eat some birthday cake...
...and Lucy gets put into a baby rocker to try and get her to sleep!! I love the new heir Lucy, can't wait to make new memories with her!!